Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dont Drink and Drive

So my older sister is 22 and she has this new boyfriend...well he was new, now he's just kinda new. But anyway, he lives in Tuscaloosa because he is in Pharmacy school, so she went up to Tuscaloosa for the weekend before the first game. They went out...and from what she said "only had a few beers" which we know is a lie because she was wayy over the legal limit. Anyway they got in her car, and she drove because her boyfriend has already had two DUIs before, so he would definitely be in trouble if anything happened. Well something did happen, and my sister ran into a 2010 Camero that belonged to one of the Alabama football players. He was fuming because it was about 1 o'clock and he was out before a big game, so my sister got arrested and stayed in jail for about 13 hours. She got a DUI, payed a ton of fines, had a jacked up front hood of her car, and has to take classes for like alcohol dependency or whatever! But the worst part is that she got her license revoked just recently for three's just something the department of public safety does. But thats definitely the worst part because now my mom and I have to carry her around town! DUIs are definitely a pain in the butt..and she is lucky because she really could have hurt someone. So whatever you do, don't drink and drive. Call a taxi.

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