Thursday, September 9, 2010

It was magic

My weakness has always been infomercials. I honestly will sit and watch a paid programming for hours, and I debate buying whatever it is they're selling every single time. Informercials are so high energy I just cannot help but to be drawn in and connivence myself that there is no possible way I can go on with life without their product! I usually just waste my time, and never pick up the phone to call. But one infomercial got me, and I actually bought what they were selling. I turned on the television and saw this catchy infomercial with an odd group of people sitting around a breakfast bar. One was from a different country, one was the "Ole Uncle", and one was the drunk chain smoking grandmother. They all had just woken up from a long night, and the hostesses were making them breakfast with their amazing product. They were using the Magic Bullet. This product literally does everything!! You can make smoothies, homemade salsa, milk shakes, anything really. I sat and watched them make all sorts of snacks and meals for a good hour. Its like a miniature blender that is 5 times easier to use and 5 times less the mess. So I had to have it! I picked up the phone and called and got them to deliver me my own Magic Bullet. Shipping and handling was outrageous, but I got a "free" gift so I wasn't too concerned. I still use my magic bullet to this day for all sorts of things!!

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