Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Day So Far..

Yesterday, Friday, I got a lot of cleaning done around the house, and finally unpacked my stuff from tennessee...I know it has been like a week!! I was very happy to get all that done, and then I got a call that I had to pick up my nephew for my mom because she did not have the that took an hour out of my day. We came back home and I only got to spend a few hours with Xan Man before I had to go to work..which was absolutely hectic!! Dillon had friends over after work so I just came home and spent time with my family. Xan always sleeps in my room when he is over, so I got absolutely no sleep last night..For some reason when he is over, I do not sleep well..and it doesnt help that I was freezing, and big guy kept coughing. He woke up at around 7:15 which is WAYYY too early!! Wow..and we played around and had breakfast until I got a call from work saying I had to come in because a cook quit. I had my whole Saturday planned off, and all the plans were ruined by work! Aghh..but I went because I know it would have been worse at work without me. I got there, and opened up the store..and I just got off about an hour ago. It was a verrrrrrrry long day, and now I am just blogging before I head to babysit until probably after 12. But I do need the money, so that's an upside. But I am so very worn out!! Not to mention I am completely freaked out by how my mother has turned into a psychotic Auburn fan!! It is frightening. But I think when I babysit tonight, I am going to interview the three little kids. I am very interested in their answers!

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