Thursday, December 2, 2010

Taking care of my poor nanny

So I called my nanny the other day to talk to her, and she just sounded awful!!! She has some sort of cold, and the poor thing is just so conjested!! I have been over all day doing some chores for her, and taking care of the dogs while she sleeps. Not to mention she has emphasema which adds to her illness. Apparently she pulled a muscle in her side from coughing so much, so her whole house smells bengay...gross! But whenever she has to cough, she holds it in because if she holds it in coughing does not hurt her side so much..but because she is holding in her coughs her face turns completely red and she forgets to breathe, which makes the whole situation that much worse. She on medicine that is trying to do it's job by breaking up all the bad stuff, and she will not let it come out!! She is just so crazy, bless her heart. But she is from England and she keeps her house totally FREEZING!! I just cannot get away from the coldness anywhere!! Well I am almost finished with all the things I need to do around her house, and I need to get on these blogs!! Agh, but I hope my Nan gets to feeling better!

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